Quark VS InDesign

Tips & Tricks

Trips, tricks, techniques, and short tutorials on all the tools integral to the modern design workflow to help get you through a deadline a little faster, more creatively, and with more fun.

Add Your Paragraph and Character Styles to All New InDesign Documents Automatically

Got paragraph and character styles you use frequently? Maybe you took our advice and created basic, global character styles for bold, italic, bold-italic, and regular…

Collect Images without Packaging

Using the Package feature of InDesign (File > Package) is the ideal way to close out a document…

Automatic New Image Sizing in Photoshop

Being a technical writer who takes many, many (many) screenshots, one of my favorite features of Photoshop is its ability to automatically create new documents of exactly the size I need…

Extract All Images from a PDF at Once

Recently I explained how to exact a single image from a PDF so that the image could be reused in other applications…

ImageReady CS3

For Web graphics work, some people prefer ImageReady’s very Photoshop-like interface to FireWorks’s obviously Flash-esque controls and interface…

Extract an Image from a PDF

Have you ever wanted to extract an image from a PDF and get it into Photoshop, Illustrator, or somewhere else? It’s a common enough need…

Getting InCopy Stories Back to MS Word

Replacing Word with InCopy may have revolutionized your office’s workflow, but odds are not all of your clients, partners, vendors, or freelancers have yet seen the light…

Watch Out! Illustrator Breaks Em Dashes

Illustrator (CS2 and CS3) has a text rendering engine nearly as advanced as InDesign’s…

Break the Link to a Style Sheet

To break a paragraph’s link to a style sheet without losing the formatting of the paragraph itself, highlight or click the Content tool within the paragraph, and then, on the Style Sheets palette, select the No Style style sheet…

Switching Between Preview and Normal Modes

With the new single column Tools panel in InDesign CS3, the separate buttons for Preview and Normal modes have become one button…

Underline Options Shortcut

Opening the Underline Options in InDesign means showing the Character palette/panel and selecting Underline Options from that panel’s flyout menu. It’s not very convenient or expediant…

Stop Unembeddable Font Warnings

Despite the near impossibility of extracting embedded fonts from PDFs, some type foundries still prevent their fonts from being embedded in PDFs…

Styling Tab Leaders In InDesign CS2

Sometimes, when creating tab leaders, you’ll want a symbol size that’s different from the type size that you have in the rest of the list you’re creating…

Resize Text and Text Frames in One Step

Ever want to resize text as well as the frame? Of course you do, from time to time…

Sort InDesign Menus Alphabetically

Sometimes you know the name of a command but just can’t seem to find it in the menu. Conveniently (quirkily?) InDesign allows you to re-order menu commands alphabetically…

Sort InCopy Menus Alphabetically

Sometimes you know the name of a command but just can’t seem to find it in the menu. Conveniently (quirkily?) InCopy allows you to re-order menu commands alphabetically…

Fix Tool Keyboard Shortcuts

A long time ago, in a valley far, far away, Adobe Acrobat had one-button keyboard shortcuts to common tools…

Hide Palettes

If you’ve worked in Adobe applications for any length of time you probably already know that pressing TAB will hide (and then show) all opened palettes…

Remove Text Boxes from a Thread

Need to remove a text box here and there without completely breaking the thread? Just delete the unwanted box(es)…

Remove Text Frames from a Thread

Need to remove a text frame here and there without completely breaking the thread? Just delete the unwanted frame(s)…