Quark VS InDesign

Terms of Use

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Terms of Use

All materials on Quark VS InDesign.com and its sub-sites, including, but not limited to, articles, images, and illustrations, (the “Materials”) are protected by copyrights which are owned or licensed by Quark VS InDesign.com and/or Pariah. S Burke (”Publisher”). You may not reproduce, create derivative works from, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way whatsoever any Materials from Quark VS InDesign.com without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Any modification of the Materials, or any portion thereof, or use of the Materials constitutes an infringement of the Publisher’s copyrights and other proprietary rights. Use of these Materials on any other Web site or other networked computer environment is prohibited without prior written permission from the Publisher.

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Quark VS InDesign, the Quark VS InDesign logo, the “VS” seal, and the phrase “the Authority on the War of the Desktop Publishing Giants,” are Trademarks of Pariah S. Burke.

“Quark” and “QuarkXPress” are registered trademarks of Quark, Inc.

“InDesign” and “InCopy” are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.

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