Reviews of QuarkXPress, InDesign, plugins and xtensions, and books and other software for the serious Quark or InDesign professional.
- Mastering InDesign CS3: School’s In!
- InCopy CS3: The Editor’s Right Hand
- PANTONE Goe System-The Evolution of Color Spec
- Birds Of A Feather Easily Selectable With New Rorohiko InD CS2/CS3 Plugin
- Pantone Introduces Peel-And-Place Chips
- QuarkXPress 7: More Thumbs-Ups
- QuarkXPress 7: Thumbs Up In The UK
- Review: Slendro PictureLinks for InDesign
- QuarkXPress 7: Early Returns From Two Experts
- Review: Free Style Flocker Plug-In Brings True Stylesheets to InDesign
- Markzware’s Q2ID Plug-In Converts Quark 5 and 6 Files to InDesign
- QuarkXPress 7: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Website FCW.COM Delivers Positive Review of Creative Suite 2
- InDesign CS2 Garners Strong Review Press
- XTension News: Badia’s free and
- Review: QuarkXPress to InDesign: Face to Face
- DTP Tools Makes InDesign History
- QuarkVista Brings Image Editing Home To XPress
- Quark Beats InDesign, A Review of the New PSD Import Xtension
- Book Review: Moving To InDesign