Quark VS InDesign

Advertising & Sponsorships

Advertise on Quark VS InDesign.com

Quark VS InDesign.com is the recognized worldwide authority on the war between Adobe Systems, Inc.’s InDesign and Quark, Inc.’s QuarkXPress for dominance of the publishing, print design, and print production markets. It is a highly specialized Website with a proven history of rendering news and insight unavailable elsewhere into this war and the effect it has on mission critical publishing and design workflows through balanced investigative reporting, insightful editorial, and thorough instruction in the form of tutorials and tips and tricks.


Quark VS InDesign.com officially opened on 1 January 2004 and in its first three months rocketed to the top of its industry. It has remained there ever since with a steady 9% average new visitors and 12% average page view growth per month.

Now approaching its third year, Quark VS InDesign.com has been quoted or written about in dozens of publications and Websites including: Design Tools Monthly, Electronic Publishing, X-Ray Magazine, InDesign Magazine, CreativePro.com, thePluginXchange.com, Creative Latitude.com, Weblogs Inc.com, About.com, Publish.com, Quark.com, Adobe.com, and several books and daily newspapers throughout the United States and abroad.

Editorial information published by Quark VS InDesign.com is frequently referenced by industry analysts, investment advisors, educational institutions, and purchasing agents. Quark VS InDesign.com is counted among the top referenced resources by educators in institutions and private training centers, as well as a prime data source for agency principals and buying agents evaluating software and related equipment purchases for a variety of professional creative and publishing workflows.

Character of Circulation

Between February and July 2006 Quark VS InDesign.com asked its readers through an indepth survey about themselves, their businesses, and why and how they read Quark VS InDesign.com. The data collected from the more than 2,500 respondants to the survey largely reinforced what we already knew about our readers, but also brought some fascinating revelations.

The 2006 survey revealed the following facts about Quark VS InDesign.comreaders:

  • 41% of readers visit Quark VS InDesign.com daily or almost daily, with an additional 48% visiting at least 2-3 times per week.
  • The average reader has 11.25 years on-the-job experience as a creative, publishing, or print production professional, with many exceeding 20 years.
  • 67% have college degrees, from Associates and Bachelors (59%) to Masters or PhD (8%).
  • 25% are freelance creatives. 19% work in a creative studio or ad agency. 26% work in print shops or in-house corporate or government creative or production departments. 21% work in newspaper, magazine, or book publishing.
  • 43% of readers work in smaller companies of 2-9 employees, 22% in 10-49 employee companies, and 7% in companies of 100 or greater employees.
  • The overwhelming majority of readers (95%) either make hardware and software purchasing decisions for their organization or have direct input regarding purchasing decisions.
  • In calendar 2005, the average Quark VS InDesign.com reader spent between $1,000 and $10,000 on creative tool purchases. 22% spent $25,000 – $250,000.
  • When asked to check all the places from which they regularly visit Quark VS InDesign.com, 69% of the time readers visit from offices outside their homes, 26% from home-based offices, 30% from home, and 6% of the time from school.
  • When asked about other creative tools and systems used on a daily basis at work, users of either or both InDesign and QuarkXPress noted that they also use: Photoshop (92%), Acrobat (83%), Illustrator (76%), the full Adobe Creative Suite (63%), a font manager (59%), plug-ins or xtensions not authored by Adobe or Quark (66%), and directly use a non-desktop print output system, either digital, offset, or other (59%).

Advertising Opportunities

Quark VS InDesign.com offers several placements and formats, including 728×90 px leaderboards in the top visibility position above the site logo; right-column advertising units of 120×90 px large buttons and 120×600 px skyscrapers, and; large, dedicated units positioned within the content of the Website home and section pages’ article lists.

Accepted formats include static and animated JPG, GIF, and PNG graphics as well as non-invasive, static or animated Flash creative.

Quark VS InDesign.com does not accept “text-ad” or “link-ad” advertisements.

For a complete list of units, placements, and creative specs, please consult the Quark VS InDesign.com Advertiser Kit below.

Schedule and Ad Space Availability

We have inventory available right now. Insertions are generally made at the beginning of the next calendar month, but new campaigns can begin at any time with a five business day lead. If you need immediate insertion, please download the Advertiser Kit (below) and contact Pariah S. Burke at 503-422-7499 or by e-mail.

Sponsorship Opportunities

In addition to a generous selection of ad placement units that balance advertiser exposure and ROI with a positive and pleasant reading and interraction experience for our readers, Quark VS InDesign.com is interested in opening certain limited, non-editorial sponsorships to select partners.

Currently we are seeking arrangements with relevant software and hardware manufacturers and with book and magazine publishers to provide prizes to Quark VS InDesign.com readers in various upcoming contests and promotions. If you are interested in providing your products for this purpose, please contact us to discuss scheduling and details.

We welcome your ideas for other sponsorship opportunities, as well.

Please be advised that Quark VS InDesign.com is not interested in participating in affiliate or referral programs for companies or products we may reasonably elect to review or otherwise cover editorially.

Rates, Insertion Order, Advertiser Kit, and Contact Information

Reach this targeted audience with your message today!

Download the Quark VS InDesign.com Advertiser Kit (PDF, 3.5 MB), which includes statistics, available ad sizes and placements, policies, current rates, and the advertisement insertion order.

Contact Pariah S. Burke at 503-422-7499 or by e-mail with any questions.